Jan 29, 2021
Today we celebrate a woman who helped change the way pesticides
were used in the United States.
We'll also learn about the man who taught thousands of people how
to prune and graft fruit trees and also founded the Home Orchard
We’ll hear about how to prune Willow (Salix) trees with one of my
Jan 28, 2021
Today we celebrate a colonial botanist who introduced nearly 200
plants to British horticulture after sourcing them from his good
friend John Bartram in America.
We'll also learn about the man who mastered growing the Poinsettia
and established it as the official plant of Christmas.
We’ll hear some wonderful thoughts...
Jan 27, 2021
Today we celebrate the writer inspired by the Oxford Botanic
Garden - a place he saw every day.
We'll also learn about medicine with roots in the soil in
We’ll hear a lovely excerpt about a harbinger of spring: Skunk
Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)
We Grow That Garden Library™ with a fantastic book about...
Jan 26, 2021
Today we celebrate the Russian botanist who sought to end world
hunger and created a seed bank.
We'll also learn about a Landscape Architect known for her delicate
illustrations and her love of realistic sculpture.
We’ll hear some thoughts on growing bulbs in pots by one of my
favorite gardeners.
We Grow That Garden...
Jan 25, 2021
Today we celebrate a poet who loved flowers and became the
beloved poet-son of a country that celebrates him still today.
We'll also learn about an orchid that inspired a fabled true story
about Charles Darwin.
We’ll hear about some fascinating vegetable history that is
celebrated every year on this day.
We Grow That...