May 31, 2019
Why do we garden?
This was a question that was posted in a Facebook group I belong
to, and it received over 1400 responses.
The most popular were:
There's another benefit that many people often overlook: staying
physically active.
If you...
May 30, 2019
Today I'm heading over at 1 o'clock to Walmart to pick
up my mobile order. It has a ton of things I need to get for my
student gardeners.
When the kids help me out in the garden, I put them in teams of two
and I generally have 6 to 8 kids helping me out in the garden on
any given day. That means, I need to have...
May 29, 2019
Do you have a little sun trap in your garden?
The perfect spot for an afternoon of lounging while reading your favorite book?
The definition of the sun trap is a small partially-enclosed outdoor space that receives a disproportionate amount of sunlight due to favorable conditions. Think of south-facing areas of...
May 28, 2019
Horticultural experts.
Professors, even.
On the garden path, you can, from time to time, run into people
that decimate you faster than a Japanese Beetle on green beans.
Let's just set one thing straight. Gardening is good for you, but
people who give garden advice can be bad for you.
What they fail...
May 24, 2019
Emerson once wrote,
"To science there is no poison; To botany no weed; To
chemistry no dirt."
As much as I like this quote, I know most gardeners will beg to
differ. To gardeners, there areweeds. As I mentioned
in an earlier episode this month, we often forget one key variable
in gardening; the gardener. Each of us, as...