Apr 28, 2021
Today we celebrate a Quaker son of Pennsylvania who accomplished
so much during his lifetime and left a legacy of botanical
information for future generations.
We'll also learn about a woman who, together with her husband,
created an impressive arboretum in the middle of Iowa.
We’ll hear some thoughts about spring from a Contemporary Turkish
playwright, novelist, and thinker.
We Grow That Garden Library™ with a fun fiction book about an
adventurous young woman who joins an expedition in Yellowstone
National Park at the end of the nineteenth century.
And then we’ll wrap things up with the fascinating story of the
Alaska State Flower - the Forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris).
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Important Events
April 28, 1782
Today is the birthday of the botanist, physician, and member of the
U.S. House of Representatives, William Darlington.
Like his fellow eminent botanists John Bartram, Humphry Marshall,
and William Baldwin, William was born into a Quaker family in
Pennsylvania. A native of West Chester, William received his
medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
When William was a student, Benjamin Barton, the botanist and
author of the first American botany textbook was an early
After signing on as a surgeon for an East India merchant, William
traveled to Calcutta. A year later, William returned to England and
married Catharine Lacey, the daughter of a distinguished
Revolutionary War General.
Lacey supported William’s work. The Darlingtons were married for
forty years and had four sons and four daughters. Two of their sons
were named in honor of fellow botanists: their oldest son was
Benjamin Smith Barton Darlington and their youngest son William
Baldwin Darlington.
The year 1826 was a big year for William Darlington. He organized
and presided over the Chester County Cabinet of Natural
Sciences, and he published his first edition of "Florula
Cestrica," his summary of plants in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
William was a saver and an archivist. Today, William’s work to
preserve his letters with Humphry Marshall and John Bartram are
much appreciated. In terms of legacy, one of William’s most
valuable contributions to botanical history is his masterpiece
called Memorials of Bartram and Marshall.
In 1853, the botanist John Torrey named a new variety of California
pitcher-plant for Darlington. He called it Darlingtonia
As for William, his large herbarium and works were bequeathed to
his beloved Chester County Cabinet of Natural Science.
William was buried in Oaklands Cemetery, near West Chester. Twenty
years earlier, William wrote his own epitaph in Latin - it is
inscribed on his monument: "Plantae Cestrienses, quas dilexit atque
illustravit, super tumulum ejus semper floreant" or May the plants
of Chester, which he loved and documented, forever blossom over his
grave. William's tombstone is crowned with a relief of Darlingtonia
April 28, 1916
Today is the birthday of the arboretum-maker Frances
Frances is remembered for the arboretum that she and her husband
Robert created around their family home in Clinton, Iowa.
During the 1960s and 1970s, Robert and Frances watched in dismay as
Dutch Elm disease claimed the beautiful Elm-lined streets of their
In response, Frances and Robert began planting a diverse range of
trees on their 10-acre property.
Now, Frances and Robert were exceptionally disciplined when it came
to planting trees - they committed to grouping all the trees by
Today, the Bickelhaupt Arboretum has a lovely collection of trees -
including ash, beech, birch, crabapple, elm, hickory, honeylocust,
linden, magnolia, and oak. Bickelhaupt also has a gorgeous conifer
collection, regarded as the Arboretum’s crown jewel, and features
many rare and dwarf conifers. In total, the Bickelhaupt Arboretum
boasts over 2,000 different species of plants.
In 2020, the Bickelhaupt Arboretum was damaged by the derecho
("duh-RAY-cho") - a widespread and severe windstorm that blew
through the midwest on August 10, 2020.
As a result of the derecho, Bickelhaupt lost 28 trees, and many
more were damaged in the hurricane-force winds. The first course of
action is clean up following by tree removal - for the trees were
so damaged they could not be saved.
Today, if you happen to visit the Bickelhaupt Arboretum, there is a
poignant sculpture of Frances and Robert near the entrance. They
are standing side by side, and Frances has one foot resting on the
top of a shovel she holds against the earth.
Unearthed Words
In the winter, you may want the summer; in the summer, you may want
the autumn; in the autumn, you may want the winter; but only in the
spring you dream and want no other season but the spring!
― Mehmet Murat ildan (“MAY-met Moor-rat ILL-don,” Contemporary
Turkish playwright, novelist, and thinker
Grow That Garden Library
Letters from Yellowstone by Diane Smith
This fiction book came out in 2000, and it won the Pacific
Northwest Booksellers Association Book Award for Fiction.
In this book, Diane Smith tells the story of a young woman named
A. E. (Alexandria) Bartram. A lively young woman and amateur
botanist, Alexandria is invited on an expedition of Yellowstone in
the spring of 1898. The leader of the expedition is a Montana
professor who initially thought AE Bartram was a man. He was
shocked to learn the truth when Alexandra joins the team. Still,
it's full steam ahead 4 the group of scientists, and they embark on
a summer of fascinating Adventures and a web of entangled
relationships. The backdrop is, of course, the beauty of
Yellowstone and 19th-century concerns about science, economics, and
nature. This book offers a little bit of everything - botany,
humor, adventure - and even romance.
This book is 226 pages of fiction based on true American history,
nature, science, and culture.
You can get a copy of Letters from Yellowstone by Diane
Smith and support the show using the Amazon Link in today's Show
Notes for around $1
Today’s Botanic Spark
Reviving the little botanic spark in your heart
April 28, 1917
On this day, the State Flower of Alaska was adopted: the Wild
Native Forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris "my-oh-SO-tiss
The Forget-me-not was part of the Alaskan culture long before it
became the official state flower.
During the Alaskan gold rush, the men formed lodges. A lodge called
the Grand Igloo selected the Forget-me-not as the lodge emblem.
Later on, women got involved with the lodge through
One pioneering Alaskan woman was Esther Birdsall Darling. Esther
lived in Alaska from 1907 to 1918. She created a dog kennel in Nome
and later started the first sled dog race. Esther became known
worldwide when she began writing about her life in the north and
her Alaskan sled dogs.
Inspired by the “Forget-me-not” legislation, Esther wrote a poem
dedicated to the State’s pioneers called “Forget-me-not.” It was
included in the bill put before the legislature:
So in thinking for an emblem
For this Empire of the North
We will choose this azure flower
That the golden days bring forth,
For we want men to remember
That Alaska came to stay
Though she slept unknown for ages
And awakened in a day.
So although they say we’re living
In the land that God forgot,
We’ll recall Alaska to them
With our blue Forget-me-not.
In the bill's margins, there were two handwritten verses (likely
written by Esther) and often used as the first two verses to her
original poem.
A little flower blossoms forth
On every hill and dale,
The emblem of the Pioneers
Upon the rugged trail;
The Pioneers have asked it
And we could deny them not;
So the emblem of Alaska
Is the blue Forget-me-not.
The Forget-me-not is a member of the Borage family
In Floriography ("FLOOR-EE-ah-grah-FEE") or the language of
flowers, the Forget-me-not flower represents true faithful love,
fond memories, hope, and remembrance.
In the middle ages, Forget-me-not was believed to be an effective
treatment for scorpion bites. The buds of the flower curl like a
scorpion's tail, which was believed to be a sign from nature. This
is how Forget-me-not earned the common name Scorpion Grass.
Celebrated in folklore, there are many stories about
The popular tale of how the Forget-me-not was named tells of a
German knight walking by a river with his lady. When he stooped to
pick a tiny flower, he lost his balance as he straightened to give
the blossom to his beloved. He fell into the river and said, "
Vergiss mein nicht." before being swept away.
After the battle of Waterloo, the battlefield was covered with
Forget-me-nots. The dainty flowers sprung up to mark the spots of
fallen soldiers.
When King Richard III banished Henry of Lancaster, he chose the
Forget-me-not as a rallying symbol. The flower became an emblem for
his followers.
During the 20th-century, Germans planted Forget-me-nots to honor
the fallen and were a special remembrance after WWI.
In modern gardens, Forget-me-nots are especially beautiful in rock
gardens and along water features like streams.
On April 26, 1951, the Vermont Standard shared an adorable story
about the Forget-me-not.
“Professor Leon Dean of the English Department of UVM (The
University of Vermont) spoke on the subject of "Vermont Folklore."
He began by explaining that history is all about us… and that the
learned historian no longer looks down upon the contributions of
the local historian.
Folklore, he said, can be adapted to [the] classroom… and the
student can go from folklore to local, and national
...Even more important are people whose memories reach back in
a chain - from generation to generation. Professor Dean gave
the illustration of a country doctor who in the spring, would carry
Forget-me-not seeds which he sprinkled on the waters of the streams
he passed. In time these streams were lined with Forget-me-nots, a
memorial when he was gone.”
Thanks for listening to The Daily Gardener.
And remember:
"For a happy, healthy life, garden every day."